When it comes to growing as a person we need to talk about the Law of Intentionality - which says, “growth doesn't just happen by itself or by accident.”
This law is so all encompassing in my mind and so attractive in that points to and empowers us in making transformative decisions that can shift our life and the lives of those around us. It reminds me of the Lord who says, life and death is before you, so chose life….to be intentional speaks to our power of choice. To have the ability to chose strengthens us or should encourage us to chose well and wisely As to make the most of our lives, and this applies to every area of life and faith and development.
To chose life and whats right and good and true, Infuses our lives with joy, it points to opportunity and promise and potential and invites us into the hopeful future just beyond the next right decision.
The truth is though, we are all prone to wanna Coast and follow the path of least resistance...but all growth is an uphill journey and it must be chosen. Personal Growth is not a natural process in most people's lives….most people just accept their lives and their circumstances and they fail to actually lead their lives and design their lives...most dont even think that it’s possible to design or lead their lives, so they just live reactionary instead of proactive and intentional. May this not be our story!
If we take the time to assess our lives and develop a plan for growth and development, now we're talking…and to take the time to develop a plan is how we can bridge the gap between where we are to where we want to be and are called to be.
When it comes to growing as a person and growing in character the scriptures teach us to “train ourselves in godliness“ or “discipline ourselves in virtue” (1 Tim 4:7) and it also says, add to our faith virtue, and to virtue knowledge, and to knowledge self control, to perseverance, to godliness, to brotherly affection, to love(2 Peter 1)..….this is an intentional pursuit to partner with the Holy Spirit in growing in Christlikeness, in bearing the fruit of the Spirit. Its a partnership of our intention and God’s grace powerfully working in us. Growth in this manner doesn't happen by accident or without our active participation of faith and diligence.
So we see, we grow on purpose not by accident and thus need a plan of growth - like a personal curriculum for life long learning and development. Growth is not an automatic process.
John maxwell says, “we get older by accident but not better”.
We could probably all attest to areas in our own lives that have not improved with our age and I’m sure we’ve all met people that have only gotten bitter with age and not better. So we see the great need to take seriously our own growth and development..to add to our faith Virtue or moral goodness. It wont just happen by itself.
James allen, who wrote “as a man thinking” said “people are anxious to improve their circumstances but unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound.” Wow..So true…
And the scripture say, if we fail to use what we have then it will be taken from us….so to remain as we are is really going backwards and puts us in a worse position altogether. So we must be committed to change, forward progress, and growth. Even apostle Paul said, “i forget what is behind and i press on to the goal and the high prize in christ jesus”….its about continual growth. There is no finish line in this life my friends...
We may say “of course”, or ask, “why wouldn’t we want to grow”...well, there could be many reasons, but John maxwell points out 8 misconceptions or wrong beliefs that create a Gap and stops us from growing and keeps us from reaching our potential. And let me first say that one of the greatest gaps in the World is the difference between knowing and doing….the book of James, tells us as well to not be forgetful hearers of the word, only deceiving ourselves, but to do what it says, And then we will be blessed. We must act on the truth or it will have no affect or power in our lives. Truth must be lived, it must be practiced and practiced with the right intent or attitude.
As we have shared above this is just not the case.
But the truth is you can learn and take responsibility for your growth...for instance you're here reading and learning one of the essential principles of growth - which is a key preparation to actually grow. The point is we can all learn to resource up and pursue what we need to grow. Scripture shouts at us to acquire and pursue wisdom and understanding more than anything else...if you want to grow you can.
Typically this is procrastination and fear and keeps people stuck…You may or may not have heard of the “The Law Of Diminishing Intent”, but it says, the longer you wait to do something you know you should the less likely you’re to do it. We end up talking ourselves right out of taking the action you need to make real progress..people often want to wait till things are perfect before they act...but the problem is you could be waiting forever.
This perfectionism is a killer that paralyzes life itself and will cause us to die with unfulfilled dreams and potential. O we have to blow this up...We need to simply understand that growth is messy and we need to expect mistakes and welcome them as part of growth and learning, we could consider them even as a sign that we're moving in the right direction.
Plus, our faith should embolden us in our weakness and stumbling knowing that God's grace helps us right in our place of inability. The fact that we are accepted and loved in Christ, means we are free to fail and learn and grow….com’on, thats good news! It's ok to make mistakes...and those who have condemned you for making them..please forgive them and release them for misrepresenting the truth….
Part of my prayer for you and all people is that you are loosed of the fear that robs you and are liberated in to the love and acceptance of God so that your can step out and take the risks necessary to progress and continue to grow….
What would you attempt in life if you knew you would not fail? Take a moment and try to imagine it.....
If your imagination can cause you to envision the possibilities and desires you have, that’s great! Keep doing that and now give yourself permission to make mistakes and take imperfect action on those desires, dreams, and goals, and watch how much you’ll grow!
There’s 4 more gaps that will talk about another time....but ask yourself,
If your interested in greater clarity on your identity, your purpose, your unique abilities and passions and developing a master strategy of growth for your life while breaking through the barriers and limiting beliefs that rob your life of abundance, joy, and peace...get on the Presale list for the Breakthrough Coaching XP!
Drop me a quick email....I only take a select group through this at one time. We can set up a interview strategy session before I open this up to the rest of the public.....
I’ll be launching another round at the End of August/beginning of September
If this blog was helpful or encouraging and you know someone this can help or bless..please share it!!
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