Growing up, my life was pretty turbulent and marked by fear, people pleasing, and a lot of unpleasant transitions….these things kept me from dreaming, having goals, being secure with myself, being honest with others and therefore not fully honest with myself.
I would lie so much i believed my own lies…kinda of funny... but pretty sad. Now, with such insecurity you may think that would make someone pretty self aware or too self aware, but the fears and self protecting mechanisms in my life actually kept me pretty detached from the type of self awareness that would lead to transformation and growth…. the safety of my lies kept me from being rejected, at least for a time until i was either trapped or exposed, and it was that way for many years in my life.
I was gifted and charismatic but that didn't mean i was growing as a person, and if anything i just grew more sophisticated in people pleasing, manipulation, and self deception. And as some of...
When it comes to growing as a person we need to talk about the Law of Intentionality - which says, “growth doesn't just happen by itself or by accident.”
This law is so all encompassing in my mind and so attractive in that points to and empowers us in making transformative decisions that can shift our life and the lives of those around us. It reminds me of the Lord who says, life and death is before you, so chose life….to be intentional speaks to our power of choice. To have the ability to chose strengthens us or should encourage us to chose well and wisely As to make the most of our lives, and this applies to every area of life and faith and development.
To chose life and whats right and good and true, Infuses our lives with joy, it points to opportunity and promise and potential and invites us into the hopeful future just beyond the next right decision.
The truth is though, we are all prone to wanna Coast and follow the path...
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