Clarity is one of those things that needs to permeate everything in our lives, and this takes time and intentionality. Today I want to share with you a little about setting our internal compass - the inner framework that directs our decisions and determines how we engage with life.
To live with clarity and live a deeply satisfying life we need to understand our roles in life, our values, and our convictions. Listen to this quote from an organization that focuses on teaching character education in various learning institutions and programs, this quote is in context teaching core values,
“..if we focus solely on teaching academic content without a moral compass, what kind of citizens are we producing? Educated people that lack a strong moral foundation run the risk of applying their skills in ways that do not enhance the quality of our world. Even worse, they run the risk of using those skills to lead people in the wrong direction, and if one day they find themselves in a position of power, they may use it to make decisions that are destructive to our communities or world.”
Pretty’s like what the scriptures say - “if the righteous are in power the people rejoice, but if the wicked are in power the people mourn”....the point is the moral foundation, the ethics, the values we hold will determine what we do and how we live.
Our grand strategies or vision or mission in life will be diverted and never realized in our lives if our values are not aligned and guiding our decisions, behaviors, and attitudes.
Thats to say, we need to get clarity on our values and learn to live congruently - with integrity.
The scriptures say that “the spirit of a man is the lamp of the lord, and searches his innermost being...and the Integrity of the upright Guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity or double mindedness..a man's own folly subverts his way, yet his heart rages against the lord.” (proverbs 11:3, 19:3, 20:27)
What this is saying is that we are led by our hearts or spirit, and that the lord speaks through this part of us, and that if we are not choosing to live with integrity according to that truth within us we undermine our own lives. We are meant to be guided in life through this inner compass of truth that the Lord actually speaks through. This is a matter of our conscience...
Your human spirit, it is a gift from God and not only the place that we commune with the Lord from, its also the place from which we’re to lead our lives from. Some people say it in different ways like - we need to live from the inside out, or live from the heart, or from our center or what we have said a few times about living authentically….and some say we are led by the spirit of God -because the scriptures say, those who are led by the spirit are the sons of God.
And all these are true, but the point of what i'm communicating is that God’s spirit is married to our spirit, if we’ve trusted in Christ, and therefore one of the ways He leads us is by interacting with and counseling or instructing our spirit, our conscience.....and our conscience is the guardrails of our soul to determine what is right and good and true.
Remember, the spirit of a man is the lamp of the Lord….and it also says in Job, that there is a spirit in man; and the inspiration of the almighty gives them understanding..Job 32:8 ...see our conscience is part of our essence and where we will draw from and determine our values.
This place in us can be ignored and as the scriptures say, we can actually suppress the truth in us by acting incongruently or dishonestly or unrighteously.. and if we persist in not heeding the truth in us we can even sear or harden our conscience...we’d be in a lot of trouble if we're in this place...not past renewing or hope, there would just need to be serious deconstruction from the deceitfulness of sin and reconstruction in the truth. We’d have to be broken and cut with such conviction, enough to actually embrace humility and a radical pursuit in repentance.
So, the new testament says, “who knows the thoughts of a man except the spirit of a man, and who knows the thoughts of God except the spirit of God, ...yet it also says those who have been joined to the Lord are One spirit with Him….this is incredible!
The scriptures say that we have received the Spirit of God who searches the depths of God….and It goes on to say that the spirit of God makes known to us the thoughts of God - giving spiritual words for spiritual thoughts…... I love this stuff…..we are meant to live with the wisdom of God - which is the mind of Christ, not like the world who lives only by their own understanding or by their mere 5 senses- what they can touch, feel, smell, taste, and hear...those are good and God given but there is something more for the believer and it’s found in our Faith and relationship with’s The light of His presence in our spirit. That is our good, our guidance, and power of our discernment...O this is beautiful!
This is not “super spiritual “ or impractical, it's an understanding that can empower us to live effectively. See, we need to know how God speaks to us and this is one of those primary ways. He speaks to us in our inner man, our spirit, our conscience…. And because you are unique and we tend to see and understand things through our motivational makeup or hard wiring, The lord will typically guide you through that...we just need to be sensitive to His leading and our own spirit. We need to be self aware but in the context of being God conscious as well.
Having clarity on who you are and what's important to you will bring alignment to your life and keep you in step with God.
So, to know thyself in this to know yourself in Christ, and it changes everything to how we see and understand our lives and how we’re to live.
How we understand ourselves, our roles, our values, our essential convictions ...are critical to how we lead our lives, prioritize, and how the Lord primarily moves us and speaks to us.
If we can do the work to get clear on what matters most to us and what our roles are and what's required of us in our present season, from a biblical perspective and from our unique calling and position in life...then we can be far more intentional, engaged, aligned, and powerfully living a God pleasing and fruitful life where we truly feel alive and connected...
(This was a small section of this lesson on our Moral compass from my Breakthrough Coaching XP)
Im presently bringing a group of believers through powerful process of getting clear on their identity, their story, their abilities and gifting, their roles and values, their purpose, and helping them craft a master life strategy to live into that will lead to abundant life and effective service in the kingdom..
If this interests you, you can get on the presale list of the Breakthrough Coaching XP, before I launch this coaching experience again in the spring ...truly transformational!
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