When your in pursuit of a goal or dream many have said, "it's lonely at the top"......But I don't believe that to be true if you live and build your life and business the right way!
"It's not good for man to be alone" the good Lord said...and this was not in reference only to marriage...but in all things.
So many people are caught in a "dog eat dog world" where people are ruthless in seeking their own ambitions to climb their ladder of success.
This is a broken system that needs to be forsaken.
There is a better way!
Brotherly/ friendly competition is good and how we all can challenge each other to perform and live at the top of our "game", but how we really win and therefore all win is through collaboration and in serving each other.
We find a fullness in life when we are giving our lives away in service to others and to a cause that is greater than ourselves. To be self serving alone is destructive, isolating, and does lead to being...
Listen, I wanted to drop you a note on redeemed reason...
I think it's important to understand that human reason or the rational mind that's un-submitted to the spirit is antagonistic and at enmity to the spirit. So we need to learn to think and reason with a spiritual mind.
The wisdom of God and the ways of God are often contrary to regular human logic and even considered foolish, and so spiritual things (and all things are spiritual when it comes to how we relate to them) must be discerned by the spirit.
We have to learn to live and operate and see things from a supernatural perspective; the mind of Christ is meant to be the genius and intelligence with operate and live from. Otherwise we may find ourselves fighting against or resisting the will and plan of God to our own hurt. This is so critical in this hour and it's critical to growing in maturity!
We have to understand that faith is the confidence of what we hope for and the evidence or assurance...
This is a season of both shaking and awakening and significant transition into a new era....and in such seasons there is intensified warfare to both delay and disrupt the people of God from walking into their God given purposes and the over all intent of God in this hour.
We cannot be ignorant of the enemy's schemes and we must stand guard being vigilant in both prayer and purpose. We have to be both praying and Acting in accordance with the word of God and the unique things He has called us too.
If you are not fully focused on your assignment then you are distracted, and if distracted, then you're not advancing. If we're not advancing then we are stuck and more prone to be lulled asleep.....we need to be advancing, engaged in the fight, and releasing breakthrough!!
This is not an hour to be casual or you can become a casualty. It's time to fight the good fight!
We must hear what the Lord is saying to us, come aside and listen, inquire,...
Clarity is one of those things that needs to permeate everything in our lives, and this takes time and intentionality. Today I want to share with you a little about setting our internal compass - the inner framework that directs our decisions and determines how we engage with life.
To live with clarity and live a deeply satisfying life we need to understand our roles in life, our values, and our convictions. Listen to this quote from an organization that focuses on teaching character education in various learning institutions and programs, this quote is in context teaching core values,
“..if we focus solely on teaching academic content without a moral compass, what kind of citizens are we producing? Educated people that lack a strong moral foundation run the risk of applying their skills in ways that do not enhance the quality of our world. Even worse, they run the risk of using those skills to lead people in the wrong direction, and if one day they find...
Let me tell you a little bit about me and how the arts have been a agent of healing grace and personal transformation....
So as a child I experienced a measure of trauma and suffered from depression, anxiety, and fits of rage. PTSD was a part of my life from the affects of my father who was a Vietnam Vet who suffered deeply after the war. My household was fused with fear, violence, and instability.
We escaped from home in FL and transitioned to Massachusetts to live with my uncle. We left with the clothes on our back, my mom and us 4 kids.....it was a terrible night and traumatic for everyone. But Thank God we all made it. At the same time i loved my dad deeply and needed a father. That was ripped out of my life and was a void that had lasting ripple affects. Sadly, many of us can relate...
To fast forward, let me say that such brokenness has many layers of affects in our lives and development as people and deeply affects our...
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