When your in pursuit of a goal or dream many have said, "it's lonely at the top"......But I don't believe that to be true if you live and build your life and business the right way!
"It's not good for man to be alone" the good Lord said...and this was not in reference only to marriage...but in all things.
So many people are caught in a "dog eat dog world" where people are ruthless in seeking their own ambitions to climb their ladder of success.
This is a broken system that needs to be forsaken.
There is a better way!
Brotherly/ friendly competition is good and how we all can challenge each other to perform and live at the top of our "game", but how we really win and therefore all win is through collaboration and in serving each other.
We find a fullness in life when we are giving our lives away in service to others and to a cause that is greater than ourselves. To be self serving alone is destructive, isolating, and does lead to being...
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