Authentic spirituality: Love

Transformation is facilitated by meditation and practice!


One of the key truths iv been sitting on even the last few years is “less is more” and “slow down in order to go fast”.

  • Authentic spirituality, which is a life lived in the Spirit, requires that we slow down and be very intentional to abide in the word and love of God.  We can bear no fruit on our own and we must let our soul drink deep of God’s grace.


We need to learn to set our mind and affection on things above and think on what is true, noble, praiseworthy, pure….etc (Col 3, Phil 4)…

Our mind and the meditations of our heart are the gateway of personal growth and transformation.  What we behold we become.

The scriptures teach that transformation happens by the work of the Holy Spirit as we renew our mind according to the truth of the word, ways, and nature of God (Rom 12).

The practical counterpart to the supernatural work of God operating in our hearts...

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Crucial Conversations Prt 1

Part of alignment and bringing greater order in life and fueling wellbeing has to do with confrontation and healthy conversations......

Most people try to avoid confrontation...

or they always seem to be confrontational and don't know how to have a healthy conversation.

The HOW we do something matters.....


What does it mean to “Have a Crucial Conversation”?


1. Identifying the precise situation that's causing you tension, and understanding what's happening.

Before we can talk about how to change a situation, we need to know why the situation is there.

2. Being clear on your needs.

What, ultimately, do you want to happen? (Notice that this isn't about what you don't want.)

3. Preparing or improving your communication skills.

Asking for exactly what you need and want will mean being assertive. It means:

  • expressing your feelings, thoughts, and desires clearly and unambiguously — with compassion, thoughtfulness, and honesty;
  • managing your emotions so that...
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Alignment Before Assignment



I wanted to share with you a snap shot of prophetic encouragement to help cross train your spirit, mind, faith, and life.....

Take a few minutes to read it and strengthen yourself in the Lord...

Let me preface this with the fact that there is much that could be shared prophetically and much that has been shared in our Sunday gatherings, our local prayer expression (Prayer furnace), and more…

So the following is some curation of what we sense the Spirit pdf God has been saying to us. I believe most of it is applicable to all of us in this season:

Training & Learning Warfare

We must understand that God allows opposition and “enemy’s” in the land  to test and refine His people to see whether or not we will keep the way of the Lord and walk in it.  He (God) also strategically leaves "enemies" to teach us and  train us in spiritual warfare; We need battle experience to become seasoned spiritual warriors  in this age...

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Get Ready!



Thoughts and prophetic insights from Jeremiah 9 & 10

Get Ready, get ready!  There is a great shaking and exposing in this time of history....

Systemic corruption will be revealed at every level and appropriately judged...

God desires justice, kindness, righteousness, humility, mercy, and truth...

It's to rise up a pray; to cry out to God in humility and turn from our wicked ways....

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Your Moral Compass

Clarity is one of those things that needs to permeate everything in our lives, and this takes time and intentionality.  Today I want to share with you a little about setting our internal compass - the inner framework that directs our decisions and determines how we engage with life. 

To live with clarity and live a deeply satisfying life we need to understand our roles in life, our values, and our convictions. Listen to this quote from an organization that focuses on teaching character education in various learning institutions and programs, this quote is in context teaching core values,

“..if we focus solely on teaching academic content without a moral compass, what kind of citizens are we producing? Educated people that lack a strong moral foundation run the risk of applying their skills in ways that do not enhance the quality of our world. Even worse, they run the risk of using those skills  to lead people in the wrong direction, and if one day they find...

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