Authentic spirituality: Love

Transformation is facilitated by meditation and practice!


One of the key truths iv been sitting on even the last few years is “less is more” and “slow down in order to go fast”.

  • Authentic spirituality, which is a life lived in the Spirit, requires that we slow down and be very intentional to abide in the word and love of God.  We can bear no fruit on our own and we must let our soul drink deep of God’s grace.


We need to learn to set our mind and affection on things above and think on what is true, noble, praiseworthy, pure….etc (Col 3, Phil 4)…

Our mind and the meditations of our heart are the gateway of personal growth and transformation.  What we behold we become.

The scriptures teach that transformation happens by the work of the Holy Spirit as we renew our mind according to the truth of the word, ways, and nature of God (Rom 12).

The practical counterpart to the supernatural work of God operating in our hearts...

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Evangelist Photini

Check this out!! Let it stir you to the core!! 🔥🔥



The whole world needs to know her story. Photini is the name of The Woman at the Well in John 4.
A significant figure in the Johannine community, the Samaritan Woman, like many other women, contributed to the spread of Christianity. She therefore occupies a place of honour among the apostles. In Greek sermons from the fourth to the fourteenth centuries she is called "apostle" and "evangelist." In these sermons the Samaritan Woman is often compared to the male disciples and apostles and found to surpass them.
At Pentecost Saint Photini received baptism, along with her five sisters, Anatole, Photo, Photis, Paraskeve, Kyriake, and her two sons, Photeinos and Joseph. She then began a missionary career, traveling far and wide, preaching the good news of the Messiah's coming, His death and resurrection. When Nero, the emperor of Rome, began to persecute Christians, Photini and her son Joseph were...
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Alignment Before Assignment



I wanted to share with you a snap shot of prophetic encouragement to help cross train your spirit, mind, faith, and life.....

Take a few minutes to read it and strengthen yourself in the Lord...

Let me preface this with the fact that there is much that could be shared prophetically and much that has been shared in our Sunday gatherings, our local prayer expression (Prayer furnace), and more…

So the following is some curation of what we sense the Spirit pdf God has been saying to us. I believe most of it is applicable to all of us in this season:

Training & Learning Warfare

We must understand that God allows opposition and “enemy’s” in the land  to test and refine His people to see whether or not we will keep the way of the Lord and walk in it.  He (God) also strategically leaves "enemies" to teach us and  train us in spiritual warfare; We need battle experience to become seasoned spiritual warriors  in this age...

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Don't shrink back or throw away your confidence...


Reflections from Nehemiah  6

Distraction and discouragement are tactics of the enemy to draw you away and discredit you from the work and task God has called you to...


Rise up in faith and truth and be bold and courageous in your God!


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Get Ready!



Thoughts and prophetic insights from Jeremiah 9 & 10

Get Ready, get ready!  There is a great shaking and exposing in this time of history....

Systemic corruption will be revealed at every level and appropriately judged...

God desires justice, kindness, righteousness, humility, mercy, and truth...

It's to rise up a pray; to cry out to God in humility and turn from our wicked ways....

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Stop waiting to be pursued...

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Redeemed Reason

Listen, I wanted to drop you a note on redeemed reason...

I think it's important to understand that human reason or the rational mind that's un-submitted to the spirit is antagonistic and at enmity to the spirit.  So we need to learn to think and reason with a spiritual mind.

The wisdom of God and the ways of God are often  contrary to regular human logic and even considered foolish, and so spiritual things (and all things are spiritual when it comes to how we relate to them) must be discerned by the spirit.

We have to learn to live and operate and see things from a supernatural perspective; the mind of Christ is meant to be the genius and intelligence with operate and live from. Otherwise we may find ourselves fighting against  or resisting the will and plan of God to our own hurt.  This is so critical in this hour and it's critical to growing in maturity!

We have to understand that faith is the confidence of what we hope for and the evidence or assurance...

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