Uechi Ryu focuses on training for the Body, the mind, and in Self - Defense. Its primarily a stand up art and a Kata (form) based system designed to be practical and potent for self - defense but also purposeful in developing the attitude of heart, mind, and character of a person
There is no doubt about it – the students from our school stand out from the crowd! Our school provides an environment where Children and teenagers can learn the value of hard work, integrity, self-motivation, and self-discipline. We do this while having a bunch of fun too. Our children & teen students learn self-respect, respect for others, and how to interact as a team, and overcome obstacles ….
Training is a complete discipline of Body, Soul, and spirit, and is one of the best ways to get in shape, alleviate stress, develop skill, coordination, confidence and be able to defend yourself. Its never too late to start!
50% Complete
Inspiration, education, Training tips, Relevant news, updates, and special offers just for you! Our relationship with you is what we call, "Sacred Space".
Your not just a number or contact, your special and to be honored. As the saying goes, "between the teacher and the student, there is only the teacher and the student"