School of Warrior Arts
Transform your life through Christ Centered Martial Arts
Dont miss this opportunity!
4 Weeks of Awesome Training- only $69
Fill out your information, and set up your one one one lesson and orientation! (for new students only)
Plus, get the "6 Ways Martial Arts is superior to regular sports!"
1 Private Lesson
($85 value)
4 weeks of Martial arts Training ($165 Value)
Character Education (Priceless)
Fitness & Conditioning & so much more...
The SOWA Tribe is a family!
We are committed to raising up the next generation, honoring God in all that we do, and providing world class curriculum and instruction for student success!
Join the family, join the movement, join the legacy!
From the Karate Nerd Himself....
Why Uechi Ryu is the best style of Karate for Self Defense...