Transformative Resources


Empowering Education

Courses, Coaching, Community
Personal Training, Group Fitness, Customized Supplementation

We are more than just your typical health & fitness community. Our mission is to change the world and shape the future through transformed lives. This mission drives what we do; we believe fitness & wellbeing are the vehicle that fuels our unique Purpose and vision in life. Our commitment is to you fully alive and fully expressing your God given purpose & potential.

We focus on personal transformation through holistic development, training, and empowering education for life, leadership, & wellness. We also focus on community formation by training transformational leaders that will impact the generations to come.

Josiah Armstrong

Coach, Trainer, Speaker

Josiah has been training, equipping, and inspiring people for two decades into wholehearted and purposeful living. Many have called him a reformer and revivalist  in our generation and a pioneer in authentic faith and holistic wellness. He carries a message of freedom, identity, and the passionate pursuit of excellence and authentic expression in Body, Soul, and Spirit.

From a broken upbringing, traumatic past, and destructive living, Josiah understands the journey to wholeness, freedom, and vibrant health. Authentic faith, hard work, loving community, and the grace of God have been the keys to his life. Josiah has been a consistent catalyst and inspiration since his youth to both young and old alike across the States, Europe, and beyond. From individuals, to families, to communities, churches, and organizations, and to a whole generation, Josiah intends to serve and impact the world with his Life and message. He's the founder of Forerunner Fitness & School of Warrior Arts, a faith based martial arts program. He also serves as a senior leader at both his local church and a global network of leaders, Life Alliance.   He's happily married with 3 beautiful children.

Are you a Busy professional?      

Having a hard time eating right & staying in shape?

Download your FREE COPY NOW!

Nutrition & Fitness for Busy Professionals written by Josiah Armstrong

• 3 Easy Steps to Fix a Broken Diet 
• The Power of Sleep & Sleep Strategies 
• Effective Fitness from Anywhere when you're Busy


“He helped me get my “Mojo” back in life!! I saw what was possible in Josiah’s life and I saw pure proof that living a wholesome life in all aspects produces a much better life. He cut through all the confusion and made the process simple and straightforward. I can’t believe how well this worked! I would highly recommend Josiah if you are struggling with your physical health, your spiritual health and/or your emotional health. If you want to lose a quick 25-50 lbs only to gain it back after you lose it, find any fad diet, don't bother with Josiah. If you want a quick fix to your problems or issues, stop looking because they are all fads and never last. Josiah has helped me to change my eating habits that have produced a significant weight loss as well as maintaining it off for over a year. He’s helped me spiritually, coached me in the area of ministry, and impacted my community. So book a time to speak with him so he can help you to identify the areas in your life that need attention or serious attention and let him guide you into wellness that lasts. Josiah's deep convictions on life in general require deep desires for real long lasting change. If that is you, do not hesitate any longer and talk with Josiah now to plan your road to greater freedom and recovery!!! God bless you all!!!

For years my husband and I have seen our weight fluctuate up and down. As we got older it seemed harder to get the weight to stay off. We were determined to see results and knew that with Josiah walking us through the challenge it would be a reality.  Josiah was there to celebrate our victories and cheer us on when we felt like we had failed. Through live video chats, daily blogs and one on one conversations, we felt support each step of the way. We lost a total of 20.5 lbs. and just under 20 overall inches! In 28 days!!! It has been 9 weeks since the challenge ended, and we have continued to lose weight and stick with the lifestyle habits we learned with a current combined weight loss of 30lbs. We so appreciate the passion Josiah has for health and nutrition, and his love for helping people. We could not have done this without him!

With much appreciation,

The Chenel’s”

Rick & Cheri Chennel

Engineer & Insurence Manager - NH

Rick & Cheri Chennel

Engineer & Insurence Manager - NH

I initially came to him because I wanted to get stronger, faster and have more endurance for Martial Arts. However, what I got from his training sessions was so much more - he truly focuses on the mind, body and spirit.  His clients are truly able to build whole better versions of themselves through his holistic training approach. Josiah is an incredible coach - always supportive, pushes to get you to maximize your potential, and makes it fun the entire time. Whether you are looking to make major changes in your life or are an elite athlete looking to fine tune your fitness level, Josiah will certainly help you succeed in your goals!

"I just turned 49 and I’ve been working at this for five years and I’m not done. I will never be done. But I am the strongest and healthiest I’ve ever been!! When I started my journey I just wanted to lose a little weight and tone up so I could feel more confident. I have done that and so much more. Since I started I have lost 15 pounds, went down 2 clothing sizes, gained muscle and lost just over 13 inches on my body. Josiah is full of energy, motivating and supportive. He not only provides challenging workouts but also nutritional and personal guidance and support. I am privileged to have him as a trainer and coach."

“I’m the healthiest iv been my whole life, Spiritually and physically! In fact, I’m in better shape than when I was 30. I’m 61 years old now. Training with Josiah has affected my whole life for the better. I used to have to go to the chiropractor twice a week and continually was out of work due to being bed ridden from throwing out my back. Since working with Josiah I haven’t thrown out my’s almost unbelievable"

Forerunner Fitness: pioneering a better tomorrow by fully living today

We provide a context of loving community, a process of training and development, and resources for transformation.

We're on mission to raise up communities and individuals that can foster transformation through holistic development. We want to train "forerunners" all over the world, who will change their world, impact culture, and prepare a way for the next generation! 


We want to raise up a healthy people who will embody a more Excellent way of life and serve as catalysts of change to those around them; We're developing Transformational leaders, people who reform and reshape the status quo of how we live and why we live.  We're preparing a way for a better tomorrow!


Forerunner Fitness is more than just getting in shape, being healthy, performing at the top of your game, or being physically fit, although fitness is a vital part. It’s about intentionally living life with the end in mind, a life that is full and well spent.


One definition of “fitness” is, suitability for a particular purpose, and it is for that  great “purpose” we train & coach people – to discover it and live intentionally to fulfill it!


As passionate like-minded people with various skill sets, we desire to serve our community by training and equipping people with a quality of life that facilitates their full potential in their life purpose and wellness. Our goal is to help produce a quality of person who is fully alive, giving back in service to community, and leaving meaningful legacy.


We also Mobilize and Train other Holistic Trainers, Instructors, Transformation coaches, & Wellness professionals who want to impact the world.  Together, we'll Inspire, Train, and equip people to discover their unique purpose, develop their leadership abilities for personal growth & positive influence, and develop lifestyles that foster well-being & congruency with their life purpose.  


We impart passion and vision for a fullness in life and coach the necessary disciplines & habits to live out and express that God given "purpose".  We do this through a holistic lifestyle development. We utilize fitness & wellness coaching, nutrition, mentoring & personal coaching, Martial arts, dance, creative expression, and prayer in conjunction with our community, workshops, & online courses.


Our nation, culture, and communities are in need of quality people who can help be the solution in repairing and restoring  the hope of a bright future! Every one of us make a difference!


Were not the typical fitness, health, athletic, or wellness organization!  We offer more than just particular services; we offer a way of life and a community committed to changing their world.   With a diversity of training and expression coupled with mentoring and prayer, we seek to empower personal leadership and development for the transformation of people’s lives so that they can live vibrantly with meaning, integrity, love, and excellence in everything they do.


We train the whole person: Spirit, Soul, and Body, whether you're preparing for an MMA fight, reaching toward professional or personal goals, recovering from life controlling problems, or just desire weight loss. We believe in lifestyle development for transforming and lasting results.  This has to do with your mindsets, habits, routines and practices. We coach you to craft your life to live according to your purpose and help provide the resources and the tools to get you there!! We don't believe in quick fixes that are superficial and short lived. It's time to live toward your greatest potential!!


Join the movement!  Be a forereunner, live to the fullest, and blaze a trail for the next generation!!!

Forerunner Fitness

Josiah Armstrong - Coach, Trainer, Speaker


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Download your FREE COPY NOW!

Nutrition & Fitness for Busy Professionals written by Josiah Armstrong

• 3 Easy Steps to Fix a Broken Diet 
• The Power of Sleep & Sleep Strategies 
• Effective Fitness from Anywhere when your Busy